lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

My ideal Timetable

ON MONDAY:I start the class with PE at 8:10-9:5 ,then I have French at 9.5-10:10, after that I have the break at 10:10-10:20, then the class continous with English at 10.20 -11:20, later I have technology at 11:20-12.20 ,then we have the lunch at 12:20-1:10, finaly the last subject of this day is Spanish at 1:10-2:10
ON TUESDAY: I start the class with arts at 8:10-9:5,then I have Spanish at 9:5-10:10,after that I have the break like everyday, then the class continous with frenchat 10:20-11:20, later I have English ( the most important language for me )at 11:20-12:20,then we the lunch like everyday too, at 12:20-1:10, finaly the last subjectof this day is history (Spanish)
ON WEDNESDAY: I start the class with cooking class at 8:10-9:5, then i have hist-geo ( French)at 9:5-10:10, after that I have the brek,then I have photography at 10:20-11:20,later I have math at 11:20-12:20, then we have the lunch and fnaly I have PE
ON THURSDAY: I start the day with PE (like monday),then I have FREE :), after that I have the break,then I have geography at 10:20-11:20, later I have chemistry at 1:20-12:20, then I have the lunch and finaly this is the day that I go out at school later the lunch
ON FRIDAY :I start the class with English at 8:10-9:5, then I have biologie at 9:5-10:10, after that I have the break , later I have FREE , then I have French at 11:20-12:20, later I have the lunch , and finaly I have PE

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012


HI, I'm Nathalie but everybody call me Nathy.Well this is my blog, GOLDEN BLOG.I made this blog for write everything, and because my teacher said me. Well in this blog ,you can see pictures and differents informations for me or of anothers things.In this blog you can write me everythng that you want.Then you can ask me and you can do a commentary. So as I was saying in this blog you can express yourself and ask for advice. Well I hpoe that this blog you will serve.

One day at school

I remember that one day in 2011 when I was in sixth grade,I was very excited because that day me and my class we have to do an audition and then we have to replayed them. But also, we have to wear old clothes and we have to say the lyrics by heart.But when the audition was finish I was happy because I could go to my house with a happy face.

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

My ideal school uniforms

I think that my ideal school uniforms will be a  grey skirt with a white T-shirt for the girls and for the boys will be a blue jeans and a white t-shirt but these in winter but in winter will be for the girls and boys a bleu jeans , a  sweather or a jacket  and a grey t-shirt but finaly you can wear differents shoes if you want.I know that my  unifom is similar but these is my uniform that I like.


Now I do a list of the rules the my school that we hav to do:
 -I mustn't arrive late in class
- I should bring my books and notebooks
-I must participe in class
-I must study for exams when  the teacher says
-I musn't eat or  drink in class
-I shouldn't run in the corridor
- I should be polite with my teacher and my friend
-I mustn't go to  the brek if te teacher says
-I mustn't shout in the class
-I mustn't copy in an exam
-I should pay attention in class
-I must speak english in english's class
-I mustn't speak spanish in english's class
-I should do my homeworks


I have many subjects but the most important is ENGLISH , for me is super study english but in my class I have more french and math but that isn't important. I also have physical education that is fun , I have music and biology but thse subject are boring for me . Then I have geography , spanish and history that there are more difficule because if I have bad results I will go to exam :(,then Ihave technologie ,arts , hist-geo ad chemistry that I think that is great . Now I doa list  if I don't say another subjects:
-physical education
-section européen


I think that my ideal school would be wear clothes that we want instead of uniforms, have one day of the week a cooking class and make-up class but the two  classes in differents days, have massage's chairs in the classroom , I would like to have slides to  move us in the corridor :) ! , another think that I would like to have a COMPUTER FOR ME ! and finaly a photography class .But my school is different this is :
this is my  sschool :Lycée Français
cooking class
photography class